Saturday, October 18, 2008

Why does one goes back to doing something one thinks that one should not be doing?
Why does one thinks about something one knows one should not be thinking about?

If you are the owner of ur mind, body and soul, shouldn't you be in control?

Being in control can really be draining...
Accepting the fact and dealing with the concequences of losing control can leave one devastated.

Mind over matter; the power of believing in oneself....
Does it really exsist?

SOmetimes I wonder, why should life be so complicated?

Why should we be made to make a choice?
Why should we be in situations that leaves us without one?

The id, the ego and the superego...
Why should one allow such grading?
Why should one be made to do the right thing?

1. the quality or state of being happy.
2. good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy.
One can define it, but can one really enjoy it?


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