Saturday, July 29, 2006

my update

Hmm... Everyday is the same leh.. notthing to update about.. just going to work and then feeling sick at home... I kinda like dun like to stay at home anymore... I keep running to my mummy's place..
Dun know, maybe my place reminds me constantly that I need to do housework.. and I'm always too tired to bring myself to do it... My house, currently, in a big big mess!!!!

Looking forward for my leave... me going to Hong Kong again!!! I wanna eat the mango milk ice!! I wanna go Dai Yu shan for tou hua..... Can't wait!!! haaaarrrrrr.....

My do do pass exams... yeh yeh yeh ..... Me so happy.... hahaha....

Me very tired now.. need to go sleep... Night night....

Monday, July 17, 2006

I was told the worst has yet to come..

My days had passed by retching retching vomitting vomiting and more vomiting... Feeling tired and sleepy... Long Long time never write blog cos.. I stayed in bed too much.. Dun have a choice... Was vomiting so much that I screamed at my do do I asked him... U sure this is normal?? U sure!!?? I never seen pregnant ladies so difficult leh... So he no choice said.. K K, we go see dr at KKH ok.. So we went... when I was there, I was still retching.. the nurse asked me to go pee.. I did, then realised my urine was so so so so so so so so cloudy.... Die I didnt realise I've got cloudy urine... Waited and Waited,, finally my turn.. Take BP, 82/60 mmhg... Cow!! so low ar?? Nurse ask me to go lie down... Now we finally realise.. its UTI (urine' tract infection).
I really hope my dreadful days will be over soon.. Hopefully the vomitting it's just my UTI not because of pregnancy....
Really looking foreward for the happier part of being a preggy....

Saturday, July 08, 2006

whats new in my life...

Guess whats this??...
The Little black dot on the left is my baby!!!! This tiny mass of cells can do wonders... Making me feel horrible (actually horrible is an understatement..) nowadays.... retching... feeling floating and not to mention sleepy all the time.... But then, at the same time brings joy, delight and anticipation....
Hmmm... I wonder if its a ger or a boy....